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Zenith Projects 2025

Project Id Funding (KSEK) Project Name Project Leader e-mail
19.01 240 Hybrid Methods for Fault Diagnosis and Prognostics Daniel Jung daniel.jung@liu.se
20.03 480 The Complex Acoustic Surveillance and Tracking (COAST) project Isaac Skog isaac.skog@liu.se
20.08 480 Executable models for drug development Elin Nyman elin.nyman@liu.se
21.01 480 Reinforcement Learning for partially observable dynamical systems with continuous state and action spaces Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie farnaz.adib.yaghmaie@liu.se
21.09 480 Computational design for optimality and robustness in multi-physics and multi-criteria problems Carl-Johan Thore carl-johan.thore@liu.se
21.18 480 Wireless Network Design for Decentralized Machine Learning Zheng Chen zheng.chen@liu.se
22.06 480 Generative deep learning for data-centric medical imaging Gabriel Eilertsen gabriel.eilertsen@liu.se
23.01 600 Quality of Security Service (QoSS) Guarantees for Intelligent Internet-of-Things (IoT) Devices Onur Günlü onur.gunlu@liu.se
23.03 600 Learning Trustworthy Planning Algorithms Jendrik Seipp jendrik.seipp@liu.se
23.05 600 Microvascular dysfunction and cardiovascular disease Hanna Jonasson hanna.jonasson@liu.se
24.01 600 Multimodal remote sensing for climate monitoring Yonghao Xu yonghao.xu@liu.se
24.06 600 Inverse Treatment Planning for Radiotherapy - from Multi-Criteria Optimization and Automation to Clinical Practice Björn Morén bjorn.moren@liu.se
24.17 600 Connecting device physics with biophysics for precision medicine Theresia Arbring Sjöström theresia.arbring.sjostrom@liu.se
25.01 600 Model-Based Attention for Scalable AI Planning Daniel Gnad daniel.gnad@liu.se
25.10 600 Broadening the functionality of metallic nanowires from electronics to energy and beyond! Aiman Rahmanudin aiman.rahmanudin@liu.se
25.11 300 ACCORD: AdvanCing CORe Diagnosis in remanufacturing Jelena Kurilova-Palisaitiene jelena.kurilova@liu.se
25.17 600 Healing prediction of diabetic foot ulcers using deep learning and multimodal microcirculation imaging Martin Hultman martin.o.hultman@liu.se

Page responsible: Erik Frisk
Last updated: 2025-03-04